Jane Baugh Sculpture Trail
The Friends Group installed the Jane Baugh SculptureTrail in memory of the late Councillor Jane Baugh who was an active supporter of the Gardens and the work of the Friends Group for many years.
The Trail was officially opened by Jane’s husband, Dr. Peter Baugh, on 14 August 2021.

Jane Baugh Woodland Sculpture trail
This trail has been commissioned by The Friends of Walkden Gardens from funds raised from events held in the gardens, and features flora and fauna found in the gardens. The wooden sculptures were carved by local sculptor Andy Burgess. The trail follows a route around the garden taking in items of interest. There are 8 wooden sculptures, plus 1 living, 2 ceramic, 1 stone, and 1 steel one to find.
Starting by the wooden gate, the red brick house you see on your right was where nurseryman Harry Walkden built his house. The soil around here was perfect for growing plants but not for building on, so he built his house upon a concrete ‘raft’ to spread the weight – this is reputably the first raft foundation in the UK and why the house is called ‘The Raft’
Turn left out of the gate, and you will see the dry-stone Serpentine Wall (constructed by Cumbria based dry-stone waller Andy Loudon) To get you started, see if you can find two carved stone rose within this wall. Now you have found the rose you are qualified to find your first wooden sculpture.
Walk towards the tall dovecote gates and look around.
(Clue: it is not a dove you are looking for)
Head towards the compass point and avoiding Japan, head South West and follow the winding barkchip path and passing through the willow tunnel commissioned by the ‘Friends’ and built by Des Gillan of WillowGoat crafts in March 2023. You are now in The Field of Hope – full of Daffodils between Mothering Sunday and Easter. Follow the path through the hedge into the Japanese Garden. Without leaving the gravel path, look for something that keeps pine seeds safe and dry. WHAT DID YOU FIND? ……….
Please respect this garden. The garden is rich in symbolism – the rocks resemble mountains and the gravel becomes a lake. Please keep to the path and do not climb the rocks or walk on the lake. Look out for another sculpture, the ‘SACRED TURTLE’ he likes to swim in the ‘lake’ but please do not climb on him.
Find your way back to the COMPASS POINT (which we explorers should really call a Compass Rose!)
Commissioned by the Friends of Walkden Gardens this is itself a piece of sculpture – the ceramic tiles were designed and fired by local Brooklands ceramicist Gordon Cooke.
Head North West and at the main crossroads turn left and walk to the end, what is the name of the rusty steel sculpture? …………
From here we are going to dive off to the left into Miss Cordingley’s garden – that is unless you can resist the temptation to turn right and make your debut on the Stage in the fabulous Theatre Lawn! We stage theatrical productions and cinema nights in here to raise money and the profile of the garden. Keep an eye on our website for details.
Have a walk around Miss Cordingley’s garden. Nancy Cordingley was Harry Walkden’s niece and lived in the house on Marsland road. Try out the carved wooden oak seats (by Chris Nangle) they are surprisingly comfortable. Look for a ceramic sculpture commemorating Greening Greater Man
Now walk down the pear tree avenue and you will enter another ‘garden room’ this is dominated by a large Willow tree. The Latin name for Willow is Salix, and many people believe this how Sale got its name. Willow weaving was a traditional craft in Sale and willow remains the preferred wood for cricket bats.
Walk into the next ‘garden room’ dominated by the Chile Pine. Someone back in the 1700s said it would puzzle a monkey to climb that tree, and the name stuck. (Latin name: Araucaria arauncana) There are lots of catmint plants in this garden, a particular favourite of the insect featured on the next sculpture. WHAT DID YOU SEE? ……
There are three exits from this garden, take the one of the left, cross over the grass path and into the Conifer Garden. Head straight on, pausing on your left if you want to take a peek onto the Theatre Lawn – someone might be performing on stage!
Heading straight on you will pass the Tranquil garden, keep going on towards the woodland. Hidden in the woodland is another sculpture. WHAT DID YOU FIND? ………
Follow the woodland round to the right – passing the carved wooden bench and head towards the Scented Garden. The tall beech hedges make a ‘frame’ for the next sculpture in front of you. You have now reached the centre of the ‘maze’ WHAT DID YOU FIND? ………..
Now it’s Back to the Fuchsia! Exit from here and take the next left into the Fuchsia garden. The garden is edged with English Box hedging which smells like cress. This garden looks great on Google earth or you can see drone footage on our website. Exit the Fuchsia garden on the right, and turn right towards the Labyrinth – itself a piece of land sculpture. Use the lectern to find out more about Labyrinths. Enjoy walking the labyrinth slowly without rushing round but hopefully not as slow as our next sculpture creature might go!
As you leave the Labyrinth keep close to the road boundary, walk over the grassed avenue of silver birch trees and enter the wildlife garden. You are looking for an insect that would be happy in a wildlife garden.
We hope you enjoyed the trail and managed to find all the sculptures. If you would like to express your thanks or show your support, please donate via Paypal on our website, or donate you time by helping us out on the last Saturday of the month 10am. Thanks for visiting.
You can dowload these diections, complete with map, from HERE.
Trail compiled Rob Frier April 2020
Dr. Peter Baugh’ speech
Short extract from Peter’s speech.
Dr. Peter Baugh speaking at opening of the Jane Baugh Sculpture Trail 14 August 2021.
Gill Baker’s Photos of Opening of Sculpture Trail
Dr. Peter Baugh introduces the Jane Baugh Sculpture Trail
Gillian Baker’a photos of the unveiling of the Jane Baugh Sculpture Trail in Walkden Gardens on Saturday 14 August 2021.